Christian Poems
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Christian Poems and Praises written by Mike Flipp. These poems were written by me during the writing of the book "2!".
Poems and Praises I have written. I originally wrote 22.

If you would like to add music to any of these words, please go right ahead. Peace to you.

Read The Book 2!

Poems and Praises

By Faith

A Bible for Paul

Each and Every Day

For the Love of the Lamb was Pure

For the Time is Near

He is the I am

His Name is Jesus

I am on a Path

Jesus oh Jesus, the King of all Kings!

Know that He Loves You

Life is a Miracle

Lost in Love

Love is the Answer

My Savior

Of the Flesh

Reach, Stand, Lift, Go

Son, Just Leave that to Me

The Foundation

The Lord Lifts You Up

Tomorrow Will be Too Late

Yes Lord Lift Me Up on High

You Can Make a Choice

More Christian Poems!

I hope you enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed writing them. Praise and Glory be to God

Mike Flipp



While I was writing the book 2!, I also wrote some poems and praises. If you would like to share these with anyone, please do. Print them out and share them with any and all who will listen. The first 22 poems were posted for all to read on November 14th, 2003. As the Lord blesses me with new thoughts and ideas for more poetry, I will post them here.

The Gift - Click here to listen to this poem read by Mike Flipp

A long long time ago
On a cold and wintry night
A little boy knelt down
And prayed with all his might

For he so wanted a gift
Greater than any he's asked before
He prayed to God above
In the name of Jesus our Lord

He then went to bed dreaming
Of his precious gift to come
For he believed it would happen
And he knew it would be done

He awoke the next morning
And touched the cold frozen window
Christmas day was finally here
So he ran downstairs and said hello

To the man at the counter
Who was always there
He ran the orphanage
And never seemed to care

But the boy was always nice
And polite to this old man
And helped him with chores
And many errands he ran

But today was different you see
Today was going to be grand
Today was going to be heard
All across the land

The boy then asked the old man
Has any one come to visit us today?
The old man just shrugged
Then shook his head in a puzzling way

The boy then thought about the gift
The gift that he prayed for last night
And he then told the old man
He prayed for Jesus to give him his sight

The boy was blind and could not see
And has never seen a light
His mother died when he was three
His Father died in the fight

The old man just looked at the boy
And said do you really think you'll see?
The boy just smiled and said
I know Jesus heard my plea

The old man touched the boy
And led him to the door
He turned the knob and opened it wide
The cold air blew across his face and the floor

A power then came into the boy
He then felt heat and was no longer cold
The old man became worried
But remembered what the boy had told

The boy then stood up
And he looked at the old man
And he said to him there
You see, I told you Jesus can!

The old man looked on
with a very astonished face
Do you see me standing?
Do you see this place?

The boy then shouted
I see, I see
Oh Thank you Jesus
I see, I see

A Christmas miracle was heard around town
As a young boy now sees for the very first time
A young couple heard of the news
And rushed to the orphanage and got in line

Every child there
was adopted that day
except the boy
who wanted to stay

He asked the old man
If he could remain
A friend to him
In Jesus Name, Amen

Little JohnnieClick here to listen to this poem read by Mike Flipp
By Mike Flipp

Little Johnnie walked by the store
In the window he saw bikes galore!
But there was one special bike that caught his eye
It was bright red, and looked fast, it would probably fly!
So he asked the clerk for the price of this bike
"99 dollars, I'll get it if you like."
Oh not right now, said Johnnie with a smile
I will be back in a very short while
But Johnnie knew he did not have enough
And he contemplated selling all of his stuff
But even after he figured all of that out
He would still be short 50 dollars there about
So what could he do he thought with a sigh
He then started praying to God most High
He said to God, Oh please Father, may I have it?
I will do extra chores, and even sell my new ball mitt
I want it so bad, Oh God, can't you see
That I will do anything, if you will agree
So after Johnnie prayed, to God every night
He walked by the store, his bike was in sight
He worked extra hard and saved all his dough
And watched and rejoiced as his money did grow
And 3 months later when summers end came
He said to his Dad while he watched the ball game
He said Dad, there's this bike, down at the store
And I need your help getting it out the door
Well ok Johnnie, I know you've been working hard
Saving your money and working in the yard
You've done chores at the neighbors, and down the street
You've surely been busy and moving your feet
You hustled and sweated all summer long
You've also been good and done nothing wrong
So off they went to get Johnnie's shiny new ride
Oh he was so happy and full of self pride
He's waited for this day and could hardly wait
He and his Dad drove out the gait
Down to the store the two of them went
But along the way, they saw an old gent
It was Johnnie's neighbor weeping and sad
Johnnie's Dad stopped and asked what was so bad?
He replied with humble word or two
He just lost his job, and his rent was due
His wife was ill and could not work at all
And he been waiting 2 weeks for work to call
The factory was closing and times were hard
And Johnnie remembered working in his yard
Then Johnnie thought about the bike
And he thought about his neighbor out on his hike
Johnnie said Dad, I don't want it no more
So please don't take me to that old store
Johnnie went home and put his cash in a sock
To his neighbors back door, hung it from the lock
Johnnie's Dad was proud of his son that day
He snuck down to the store and put that bike on lay-away
Johnnie's Dad made payments he cut back on some things
But the Love his son showed, is what a good heart brings
So he didn't mind the least one bit
When he saw Johnnie's eyes and face all lit
Its moments like these that we should all treasure
Its things like these that we should all measure
Helping a neighbor in need of a hand
Showing brotherly love across our land

The Empty Church Click here to listen to this poem read by Mike Flipp
By Mike Flipp
1/5/05 11:22 pm

I went to the church at a quarter past 4
Hoping to see someone, I opened the door
To my surprise no one was there
I looked and I looked but all in despair
So here I was all alone inside
I thought what should I do, ah this I haven't tried
I walked up to the pulpit and stood tall and proud
And began a sermon talking boldly and loud
I shouted at first and then messed up a few lines
I tried then again and talked about signs
"Jesus is coming" I said with a wail
"And signs are showing without fail
Do you see them, now how will you act?
What are you doing to announce this fact?
Oh people Oh people, can you not see?
We need to spread the gospel so they will all be free!"
I said it with authority and I meant what I said
And then I heard a sound, It was Pastor Ted
He looked at me and I looked back
Trying to slip away and out through a crack
I was so embarrassed, I just wanted to leave
Oh the things we say and the things we weave
He walked up to me and shook my hand
And then he asked me if that was all planned?
I said no, that I just got this feeling
And I said that I think our church needs a healing
We aren't doing enough, do you really think
What are we doing, where's the missing link?
Then Pastor Ted said to me, your gonna preach
Oh no not I, who can I reach?
I am only 12 and who will listen to a kid
But the Pastor made me do it and so I did
Sunday came and to the pulpit I went
I have no idea or how I was sent
But I went up there and words came out
First they were soft and then a shout
I shouted out loud what I had wanted to say
I said what are we going to do today
Do we come on Sunday's and then go home
And the rest of the week we are all alone
I'm only 12 but I can surely see
That this church is dead, Oh Jesus set us Free!
The boldness of a child was heard that day
The congregation knew and they began to say
The child is right, oh Lord help us now
Let us go out and let them say WOW
It took a child to have faith and to be bold
The Lord will use you too as it is told
Spread the gospel in any shape or way
Because Jesus is the same tomorrow, yesterday and today.

You Bet Your Life Click here to listen to this poem read by Mike Flipp

By Mike Flipp

A man came to town looking for a game
High stakes was the flavor, He never gave his name
Into the back room he and 5 others went
Sat down at the table an honorable gent
The cards were dealt a many times over
On the table in the corner lay a hound named Rover
Now Rover had some really big eyes
The gambling gent noticed and suddenly became wise
He could see the reflection in Rover's glossy stare
Of the cards of another man totally unaware
Now the pot was getting big and only 2 of them were left
The man lost his honor and looked to see how Rover was dressed
Rover had on a suit all of one color and the man knew not to fold
For he had in his hand a boat the stare in his eyes was rather cold
As he looked at the man over by Rover he raised it all and bet the farm too
The man called the raise, added a car and some land worth a quite a penny or two
The betting was done and the man showed his boat
But a voice then said, sorry son, that won't float
What do you mean my boat wont float, what have you that's so plush?
Ahhh said the devil, with a smirky old smile, I've got me a straight flush!
The once honorable man, who resorted to cheating by watching the eyes of a dog
He thought the man had only a flush, but as it turned out, Rover's eyes had some fog
Now poor and alone and without any honor
The man surely thought he was a goner
I deserve what I got, for trying to cheat
Too much temptation was had in that seat
I should never have looked into old Rover's eyes
All they showed me was a bunch of lies
I should have played the game on the level
All I did was to invite the devil
Now I have nothing, not even my farm
I have no pillow, no bed or alarm
Oh God what shall I do now
Will you show me a way or show me how?
I am sorry for the stupid thing I've done
Please forgive me, You and Your Son
Sometime it takes a humble moment in time
Sometimes you get dirty, and filled with grime
But it's at times like these when there is still hope
Mercy comes from the Lord to help us all cope
We make mistakes, but there is a way out
Repent and be sorry, be humble no doubt
So if you're a gambling man and have no shame
You surely are the one to blame
There truly is a place called heaven and hell
Some people get it right, and many others fell
Are you a gambler and have you bet your life?
Take a look at the odds, no one's holding a knife
Justice will be done, to the wrong and the right
And your life could end this very same night
So sit down in the seat and take a look at your hand
It's your call, its your bet, so now take a stand
Ask Jesus to come into your heart
Ask him to never be far apart
Repent of your sins and have a talk with Him
Its that simple and easy it isn't so grim
Turn away from your unrighteous ways
When you bet your life, then its the devil who plays

Do Unto Others
Click here to listen to this poem read by Mike Flipp
By Mike Flipp

As I exited the freeway a man held a sign
It said Family in Crisis, they didn't have a dime
The man's clothes were tattered, old and worn out
It was cold as he stood there; no one gave him a 2nd thought
I told my wife, I like to give to people in need
She reached into her purse and 3 dollars were freed
So out the window I held it, and stopped all the cars
It's not up to me, whether he buys food or goes to bars
Does he really have a family, or was this a line
Was this some made up thing he just wrote on a sign?
From what I have learned it's not for me to judge
All we have to do is to give and not hold a grudge
For blessings do come in many different ways
So be a cheerful giver all of your days
That's what I've learned and what I try and do
So don't judge a man, and God won't judge you
Whether he's asking for help or holding a sign
Just do what you can and let God be Divine
What goes around surely will come
Do unto others as you would like done

Long Lost Son Click here to listen to this poem read by Mike Flipp
By Mike Flipp

Working late on a summers day
All she thought about was Saturday
For this weekend she was going to meet
Her long lost son she was afraid to greet
She gave him up when he was just 8 weeks
Life was hard, its valleys and peaks
A single Mom, no direction in life
She now regrets not being a wife
But all in the past and forward she movesv She now has God and Jesus who soothes
Her son is now 12 and he's sure getting tall
She's nervous to see him at noon in the mall
What will she say and how will he act
She prayed to God to help her react
To say the right things and try to mend
Her relationship with him so it won't bend
As she sat at a table near the food court
Again came this feeling, but she didn't abort
At least he's alive and doing quite well
That's what's important, that she can tell
So as noon came around she got up and went
Back home to her house, to pray and repent
This was just practice, for hopefully some day
It will be for real, and she'll know what to say
But for now she must wait until her son calls her
And makes that appointment some day for sure
6 more years went by and a call did come
It was the sound of her long lost son
He said Mom, it's ok, I surely understand
When you were young and didn't really plan
So can we meet at the mall at noon?
I want to see you and meet really soon
Oh yes that will be quite nice
She said it so soft, and then said it twice
So the next day at noon, her son she met
He gave her a hug and the two of them wept

Receive all of God's Love
Click here to listen to this poem read by Mike Flipp
By Mike Flipp

I have come here today to give you Good News
I know this to be fact, Jesus gave us some clues
It takes faith to be healed and get rid of disease
Infirmities and illness He heals all of these!
But have you heard that Jesus healed them all?
Yes everyone of them, old and young, short and tall
These people heard of the healings that Jesus did do
They came out to the streets they knew He'd come through
So because of the Word that people did spread
Their faith did grow their faith was not dead
The people were excited and they told it to each other
They said come out to the street one to another
They said the Mesiah is coming to our small town
He healed them all over there too so don't be down
You will be healed, when touched by His hand
You will be healed even in this very land
You just need to have faith that He can and will
It is the faith you need when you are so ill
So if it's a healing you need and you know what ails
Have no worries there, Because Jesus never fails
So I say to you these precious words for thought
Take your healing, have the faith His blood bought
Like the woman who touched the hem of his garment
She would not let the devil cause her to lament
And when she touched His robe and virtue came out
Jesus said WOAH, what was all that about?
For He felt the power go out of Him for sure
After speaking to her, he saw faith so pure
So even though Jesus never touched her being
His spirit went out because she was believing
So if a healing is what you need and seek
Jesus is there especially when you're weak
So the Good News is that Jesus is still here
He's looking for faith so He can come near
His Spirit and virtue have never abandoned us
And neither has He oh that's such a big plus!
It's all about faith and power from above
Will you allow yourself to receive all of God's Love

Send The Word of God Click here to listen to this poem read by Mike Flipp
By Mike Flipp

The sign said, take a number
So I did, and began to wonder
I wanted to return something I did not need
It must have been a mistake, I can not read
This book was given to me by a friend
All the way from Tupelo he did send
A bible it was, leather bound and nice
I bet it was expensive that books price
Another number called, I am almost there
I took another step toward the cashier
I wonder what this cost and how much I'll get back
I will take the money and go buy a Big Mac
I haven't eaten in days, I could have used food
If he would have sent me that, it would have been good
A woman behind me then asked me a question
She asked if that book had taught me a lesson
I responded politely, that No it had not
For I couldn't read, I think my friend forgot
The woman then said, I see
She then said, Would you like to be free?
I said please explain what you mean by that
She said, that book contains all the meat and the fat
For that book surely gives you much food
Your daily bread, meat and even desserts that are good!
How is this so, How can a book contain that?
She said, God wrote that book so don't give it back
But if I can't read the things that are inside
How will I know if what you say is not a lie?
She then asked me if I was willing to learn
And that she would teach me and to discern
So I accepted her offer and stepped out of line
She said to meet at the Library, Monday at 9
To the Library I went, for weeks and weeks
I began to understand the rewards to him who seeks
Oh what a gift I have been given
Now I can surely start a livin
Now I have my daily bread
I am so alive and no longer dead
I asked Jesus to come into my life
And then I asked the woman to be my wife
That one simple book given to me as a gift
Taught me about Jesus and His name to uplift
Had I learned to read along time ago
I would have never met her and said I do.
I wrote my friend a letter for the very first time
I thanked him for the gift of that mountain to climb
For the mountain of illiteracy did not get in his way
From sending the Word of God to me that day

Guitar Man Click here to listen to this poem read by Mike Flipp
By Mike Flipp

A man with a guitar began to play
On the corner of 2nd street and Main
It was busy that day and people hurried
Along the sidewalk, they bustled and scurried
Where they were going only God knew
So the guitar man played a song or two
He sung about life's ups and downs
He sung about smiles but more of frowns
He sung about women in his Life
He sung about happy days with his wife
He sung about the Dog who's name was blue
He sung about his truck and having the flu
As people walked by and tossed coins in his hat
It made him happy to do just that
That was his love, playing songs for folks
Talking with friends and telling some jokes
Singing his songs where ever he could
Strumming that guitar where ever he would
The things he sung about were given by God
The things in life, both easy and hard
Its all good, the guitar man sang
It was all about the Love that the good Lord brang
He was humble indeed, his songs did tell
He was given a gift and he used it well
Then along the sidewalk came a man
He threw down a note and off he ran
The Guitar Man stopped his playing
He read the note and what it was saying
It said, Be at the corner, tonight at 10
Someone will meet you, a couple of men
Exciting and dangerous it all seemed
Should I do it, Lord what have you deemed?
Please guide me oh Lord, and what shall I do?
Shall I go, will you let me hear from you?
The Lord spoke and said be there at ten
All will be well with those 2 men
So at 10 the guitar man played
On the corner of 2nd street and Main
Along came a producer from a meeting he was at
His assistant was with, they both wore a hat
They heard the man sing, and strum his guitar
They stopped for a minute while he played another bar
Impressed were they, and not just a little
They said he would go good accompanied with a fiddle!
So they gave the Guitar man their card
And said here's our number its not very hard
Give us a call tomorrow around 9
We have a contract for you to sign
As they walked away the Guitar man cried
He thanked God almighty for his arms open wide

The Cross Click here to listen to this poem read by Mike Flipp
By Mike Flipp
When each line is centered and if your monitor resolution is large enough, this poem when seen in the written form looks like Jesus on the cross. You may copy and paste this poem onto a Word document and then print it out and share it with others. This poem was written on Easter Sunday, 2005. God Bless You.

Two arms open wide
Two sinners on each side
Two eyes tearing
One heart grieving
One grandiose plan
One innocent man
Nailed was He
To a tree
He suffered and bled
So we would no longer be dead
The King of Kings and Lord of Lords were just two of the names given to Him by many who believed that He was!
For the true Son of God, the Christ came to deliver us all and He showed us the love that He did and still does!
He died for us for God did allow
Oh how grateful we all are now
All this Love He now leaves us
For this blessed hope in Jesus
To abide in His ways for sure
To believe in faith that's pure
To sacrifice His Life for all
Was the greatest gift of all
On this very truth and fact
Only with faith can you act
Faith in Him as Holy Lord
With the Bible as your sword
His death on the cross is a key
For every man's life in eternity
He gave so much and healed all
His work on the cross was a call
A call to each and everyone here
To see the love he had so dear
Love one another as also He,
Loved all of us, you and me!
Which way should we all go
He set an example to show
We need to yell and shout
So now we must go out
To tell the whole earth
Of our Savior's worth
And the joy of Him
Does not grow dim
Only one chance
So take a stance
Come to know
His Sorrow
Don't cease
Seek peace
God Bless
Pray yes!
I do warn
Be born

Jesus on Cross
Thank You Jesus
by Mike Flipp

Walking home down a dusty country road
I saw birds, a squirrel and even a toad
I saw butterflies, bees and then a dog
He crawled out from under some old log
Oh he was so cute and so very tiny
His hair was all matted and he sure was whiny
He followed me and walked right by my side
I bet he is hungry, I wonder if his mother had died?
He followed me all the way home
I gave him some food and then got a comb
I gave him a bath and cleaned him all up
He sure was cute this little yellow lab pup
I asked my mom if I could keep him
Oh please I said, going out on a limb
My mom said that it would be ok
As long as I fed him and cleaned up each day
That yellow lab became my best friend
We would walk down the river and round the bend
We would go everywhere together him and me
We would also take naps under our favorite shade tree
I thanked God for my dog and gave him a name
After one day I yelled Thank you Jesus, he came!
So now when I go to church, and the people all say
Thank you Jesus! He runs in and wants to play!
The first time that happened, the pastor got mad
Oh what a ruckus it caused, they all thought he was bad
Until I told the congregation that that was his name
And I told them how I shouted Thank You Jesus, and he came!
So now I tie him up so he don't run as he pleases
And we all hear him bark when someone says Thank you Jesus!
Then one day, Thank you Jesus was missing
Everyone began to pray and hope for a blessing
I have had that dog for a good five years
And now all I have is a whole bunch of tears
When we are in church and someone praises the Lord
I look to the door hoping for a reward
In that he might just come a running in one day
And make a grand appearance and the congregation would say
Oh Thank you Jesus, we've missed you so much
We've missed your bark and your wet nosed touch
But that hasn't happened and it's been 2 years
And I am beginning to wonder if God hears my prayers
Then at church on a nice Sunday morn
We heard someone drive up and blast their horn
The congregation got up and all ran out to see
What has caused this trumpet to blow so loudly
It was the Pastor from the next town down the road
He said he was out walking one day and saw a toad
He then saw some butterflies and then some bees
And then he sat down under one of these shade trees.
He was singing to God and then shouted Thank you Jesus!
And along came this dog and started licking him as he pleases
Well the dog he said, would not leave him alone
And so he followed him all the way back home
He said that it all happened about 2 years past
This dog has been great, he wished it could last
Then he heard about a missing dog in the next town over
And then he thought about his dog that he named Rover.
He thought that it might be the very same one
So he loaded him up and hopped in his old 1 ton
The pastor now learned of the dog's real name
And now knew of how he came to his fame
Everyone became quiet and our Pastor started to preach
He reflected on things and then began to teach
He talked about a dog and how he touched us all from the start
Then he said, Thank you Jesus for always being in our heart.
It took a dog to run away for us to open our eyes and see this
God is so gracious, Oh Thank you Jesus

2nd Chance
By Mike Flipp
June 05, 2005

While sitting at the bus stop
I noticed a man across the street
He was in his yard all fenced in
Picking the weeds and keeping things neat

He looked to be about seventy-five
He was a short man and wore a bright red sweater
His yard was immaculately well maintained
So much so, I hadn't seen any yard better

As I waited for the bus as I do everyday
I've watched this man as he groomed over his yard
He was caring and meticulous, nothing was amiss
Not a thing out of place, not while he was on guard

I then wondered if he knew God
I wondered if he had that inner peace
It sure seemed so, but how could I tell
He looked like a shepherd, with lambs to fleece

Oh I bet he knows Jesus, he has such a look
And the fruit of his yard, God surely knows him
He waves hi to the children and passers by
For him not to know about God, the chances are slim

I should say hi and find out his name
Oh some other day, I have to get going
But I would like to ask him a question
Oh not right now I see he is mowing

I've watched him for years
And have never even said hi
I've just watched from afar
And always walked right on by

Tomorrow I will do it, I'll go and say hi
I'll ask him his name, and if he knows God
I'll go over early so we can spend a little time
I'm sure he'll be out, watering the sod

So tomorrow came and over to his house I went
As I neared the man's yard, there was a terrible sight
I walked up to his place and saw the medics go in
Oh no, I thought, Oh God please let him be alright

The medics came out and a sheet covered his face
I asked the man pushing, if this was the man?
The man who lived here and took care of this yard?
The medic looked up with sadness, then put him in the van

Oh no, Oh please Lord, was this man saved?
I have to know Lord, oh please let me know
Oh what now, what things have I missed
Have I surely missed out on a seed to sow?

What if he was saved, yes that could be
He could have known Jesus, yes surely he could
Oh that makes me feel better, to think that way
I'll just hope and pray and that will be good

The next day at work my boss said to me
That business was down and work was slow
And that 50 employees from this branch
Or maybe a hundred would have to be let go

Oh no, what I am going to go and do now
Oh Lord Jesus, why has this happened to me?
I prayed and I prayed over this situation
And then God said some words so very softly

He said that it's time for you to move on
I put you here for a very good reason
And the time has passed and it's time to go
All things have an end and some only a season

The man across the street from where you worked
His name was Jim and he never knew Me-
I was hoping you would have been able to talk
To him someday as you walked by each day at three

He was always outside and working in the yard
I made sure of that, so that you would see
He caught your attention and you did take notice
But you failed to be bold and to see if he was free

Oh Father in heaven, please forgive me
I won't do it again, Oh please help me to see
Please give me a chance, Oh Lord please
I will try harder, And I will help set them free

Just then an old woman came out of the house
And she asked me why I was crying so loud
I said that I wanted to meet the man
Who took care of this yard and was very proud

I told the old woman about how I felt
that I have watched him in this yard for years
And that I was ashamed that I never spoke a word
And that is what has caused my tears

The woman looked at me and then she also cried
She then gave me a big hug, and almost lost her stance
Then God spoke to me and said again soft
Now here is his wife, here's your 2nd chance

Just 1 number off
By Mike Flipp

She came home tired and weary from her days work
She waited tables and often got hit on by some jerk
She was alone and had no one to call her own
She sat with her feet up then heard the ring of the phone
As she reached over to pick it up, the ring ended abruptly
She pondered that to be odd, she then prayed fervently
She thought of all the people that the call could have been from
She prayed to God for a sign of what's to come
She wondered how long she would be alone in this house
She was barely getting by, owned only 2 skirts, 2 shirts and a blouse
The phone rang again and as before stopped just as suddenly
This was now making her think, this was turning into a mystery
More time passed and more depression sunk in
Back to work the next day. Her face showing no smile or grin
But late in the day a man came in for some food
As she waited on him she had expected his comments to be rude
But no such words came from this young man
He was polite and kind, handsome and tan
He then excused himself and complimented her smile
A small miracle here for no one had seen those teeth for quite a while
Now off he went after leaving her a tip
Written on a note was the quote, YOUR SKIRT HAS A RIP
Oh how embarrassed was she at the thought of him seeing this
She felt rather humble, her mind wondered amiss
But the note was written on an envelope that was sealed
She then tore it open and a weeks wages were revealed
From a perfect stranger, who was also polite and kind
She would go out and buy clothes and then relax and unwind
At home she tried them on and felt like someone new
She felt like a person and was no longer so blue
The phone then rang and she dashed to answer it
But as twice before, the ring just suddenly quit
Oh Lord, she said out loud, who keeps doing that to me?
If it's the wrong number, ok, but please do tell me!
I've never ever gotten a call from a friend
But these kinds of calls will send me over the end!
She went to work the next day wearing her brand new checkered skirt
She threw that old one away, out with the dirt
She smiled as she went about her day
Grinning and smiling like she was at play
Her attitude changed and it surely did show
In walked the man and she let out a bashful woah!
She ran into the back and quickly checked her hair
She was really nervous and quickly said a prayer
Lord Jesus, please hear me, I really like this guy
If it is meant to be Lord, don't let me cry
She walked out to his table and gave a humble Thank You
And he said to her back, Your Welcome, you too...
Well what do you have to thank me for?
She asked as she wondered what he had in store
He said that she was an answer to a long ago prayer
For he asked God for a sign about a woman so rare
A woman with faith, and who believed in the Lord
A woman who's beauty was deeply inward
And as I see you now in that brand new skirt
He then took off his jacket, revealing a perfectly matching shirt
So I am surprised to see you wearing that skirt
The one that perfectly matches my brand new shirt
So thank you I say, to God and to you
For making my day and dreams come true
I was wondering if I might be able to call you at home
Will you give me your number, so that I may phone?
Surely she said as she wrote it down for him
He then looked at the number and let out a grin
I've called this number last week three times
By accident of course, it cost me 3 dimes
For your number you see, is only 1 number off
He was then amazed and awestruck and then came a cough
She couldn't hardly stand the suspense anymore
She said tell me, quit teasing, and stomped her foot on the floor
He just sat there and let out a great big WOW
He then looked up and said Oh Lord Jesus, How?
What are the odds of her number being just one from mine?
Oh Thank you Jesus for being so divine!
I misdialed my number when I called home to see
If there were any messages that had been left for me
But over the last few days since seeing you
My mind has been scrambling and I guess my fingers have been too
The first day I saw you I was too shy to come in
I was so flustered and had no idea where I'd begin
But then God reminded me, the Kingdom of heaven is not for cowards
So the next day I walked in, the butterflies churned my innerds
I sat at that table as bold as I could
I sat there so nervous, my knees knocked together like wood
And when you came over and showed me your smile
I knew right then that it was worth my while
So thank you for the smile that gave me some hope
And thank you for not making me feel like some dope
I'll call you tonight at half past nine
And maybe some time we'll go out to dine
That would be grand she said to the young man
She rushed home after work and began to plan
She got into her warm cumfy jammies
An old T-shirt she had taken from the closet of her pappies
She poured herself some ice water in a tall clear glass
And awaited the call, it finally rang at last
They talked for hours about many things throughout each ones life
After that the man just knew and then asked her to be his wife
God will provide all your hearts desires
But it is Love that He truly admires