You are God's and No One Else's
By Michael Flipp

It seems that I've been put into the middle of this situation
It doesn't look good and there doesn't seem to be a good explanation
So as I'm looking around and wondering, why me?
Thinking where is all this faith that sets me free?
Is it gone,... or.... is this where I put it into action
Just what is going to be my reaction?

He'll walk you through the lows
When you're taking all the blows
From the enemy...
He's got no authority...
Oh can't you see...
You just gotta believe...
That you are God's and no one else's!

I can hear that still small voice inside,
Saying do you trust Me? Do you believe in Me?
You're going to get through this -
Just put your faith in Jesus!


The enemy will tell you you're not worthy
You might find you're getting somewhat weary
But there's a hope that's bigger than this problem
And what you can do is start to Praise Him!


Email Me if you want to make this song yours by adding the music arrangement to this Christian Song.