Why Did this Have to Happen to Me
By Michael J Flipp
I remember that day -when
My world came crash - ing
Down on me Oh - Lord
I can't see...
Why did this have to happen...
To me...
That phone call broke - my
Heart into a mill - ion
Pieces and I don't - think
That I'll ever...
Get it put back together...
Woah me...
(x2) Oh God can you bring - my
Baby back to me...
My heart hurts - so
Bad I can't feel noth - ing
Else and I just want - to
Make all this go away...
Woah me...
Why did this have to happen...
to me...
Lord I can't figure this - out
I don't have the ans - wers
This just doesn't make - sense
I don't think it's fare...
I swear...
Why did this have to happen...
To me...
Email Me if you want to make this song yours by adding the music arrangement to this Christian Song.