There's Such a Thing Called Love
Lyric By Michael Flipp

Music Arrangement and Vocals by Joshua Holbrook

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There's A Such Thing Called Love

(Chorus) Have you ever wondered - about what's going under?
Have you ever pondered - about what's over yonder?
Have you ever thought - about what's up above?
And do you think - there's such a thing called Love?

Do you believe everything's here by chance?
Could you even think of such a circumstance?
There is a God who's so amazingly awesome
That He gave His only Son, A Loving ransom


Jesus paid the price Oh such a sacrifice
There's a Holy War, Hear the Lion roar
Angels in heaven sing Praising our Holy King
Jesus died for you, He gave His life for you


There's a battle for your soul it's the devil's only goal
He wants your life and limb and wants you to worship him
But what has the devil done, did he give his only son?
The devil is a liar and a thief and gave us nothing but grief!


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