Email Me if you want to make this song yours by adding the music arrangment to this Christian Song.

"Tell Them About Me"
By Michael Flipp

Why am I so afraid?
To tell them about you...
Why am I so afraid?
To tell them about you

I wanna tell her, I wanna tell him
I w a n n a t e l l A l l o f T h e m !
But Why.... Why Don't I?

What am I so afraid of?
It just seems like I can't...
What am I so afraid of?
It just seems like I can't...

Find the right words, Find the right time
F i n d t h e c o u r a g e t o s p e a k o u t l o u d !
But Why.... Why Don't I?

I'm afraid of what they'll say,
afraid of what they'll do
Afraid of what they'll think
about me and You

And then I heard Him say...

"Do you love Me? Do you really love Me?
And do you love them too? Well if you really do...
Then you have to - Tell them about Me, TELL them about Me
Tell them about Me - And what I did for you..."

Email Me if you want to make this song yours by adding the music arrangement to this Christian Song.