So Who's Your King
By Michael Flipp

I am a free man able to choose
Where to go who to see and what to do
I have hopes and dreams, ambitions too
I also have a King, how about you?

So Who's your King?
And who do you bow to?
Are you your own king?
And where has that gotten you?

I wasn't forced to follow Him
I wasn't given a do or die option
I was shown and told the truth
And with that said, I had no objection


I also had to count the cost
I had to choose to obey Him
I had to choose to die to myself
I had to learn to love Him


Is your king drugs, money or greed?
Have you given up? Have you been freed?
The truth is that we all sin
And without the Lord Jesus, you can't win


Email Me if you want to make this song yours by adding the music arrangement to this Christian Song.