by Michael Flipp
(Chorus has Acronym S.O.A.K.)

Meant to be a soft instrumental, slow with feeling and soak in His presence

Sing - sing all in heaven
Sing - sing all God's children
Sing - sing all that's Holy
Sing for His Kingdom is coming!

Our God is Worthy
Our God is ...W O R T H Y
Our God is Worthy
He's Worthy of our praise

Jesus our Savior
Jesus our... S A V I O R
Jesus our Savior
Our Lord is coming soon

Oh let us SOAK
Oh let us ... S O A K
Oh let us SOAK

Oh Oh Oh Now Here we Go!
Sing it OUT OUT OUT, It's All About!
Sing it OUT! OUT! OUT! It's All About!
The King and His Kingdom Come!

So Let us - Sing Out !
A - Bout !
The King and His Kingdom Come!
So Let us - Sing Out !
A - Bout !
The King and His Kingdom Come!
Oh Sing with your hands up !
He's the One we want to lift up!
So Praise Him now and Sing Out !
A - Bout !
The King and His Kingdom Come !

Email Me if you want to make this Christian song lyric yours by adding the music arrangement and vocals to this Christian Song.