Don't You Let Him In
By Michael Flipp

I don't think I really knew just what God had done for me
I thought maybe He wanted nothing to do with me
I seemed to make all the wrong choices, hear the wrong voices
I climbed up that wall, thought about ending it all

(Pre Chorus)
And that was the day
That O'l Satan tried
to steal my joy...
Then I found out he lied!
Oh that Satan is liar
A cheat and a thief
And all he wants to do
is give you some grief

Well don't you let him in
Don't you let him in
Make sure to repent your sin
And don't you let him in

Tell Satan I'm forgiven
By the blood of the lamb
He washed away my sin
Ohh, it was a perfect plan

(Pre Chorus)

And I don't know if it was an Angel or not
That whispered to me, or was it a thought
So I got down off O'l Satan's wall
Told him I'm good and he's the one who'll fall!

(Pre Chorus)

Email Me if you want to make this Christian song lyric yours by adding the music arrangement and vocals to this Christian Song.