Come and Hear
By Michael Flipp

Never has been told
Or ever shall be
Of how a King died
For you and for me
Such a sacrifice
Of a sinless life
Son of God so pure
He was sent to endure
A death on a cross
So all was not lost
He made a way for us
His name is Jesus...

(Drum beat, chant singing)

Come and hear
The greatest of stories!
Come and hear
What the Angels are singing!
Come and hear
How the people were fed
Come and hear
How they were all led

(Chorus x2)
Praise Praise
Give Him your praise
Shout Out
His Name above all
Sing Sing
Jesus is King...Over All

(Drum beat)
Come and hear
All the testimonies
Come and hear
All the witness accounts
Come and hear
Them praising the Lord
Come and hear
What it's all about

(Chorus x2)

Email Me if you want to make this Christian song lyric yours by adding the music arrangement and vocals to this Christian Song.