8th Day By Michael Flipp 01/09/18

On the 8th day
they were circumcised
The flesh removed
His plan disguised - for a time

The coming of the Great Day
The Gathering - on the 8th day
To all that God has given us
On the 8th Day - All will be with Jesus!

6 days of work and creation
A day of rest and elation
1000 year millennial reign
After that no more pain!

On the 8th day a gathering
A day of solemn assembling
The whole plan unfolds
As we have been told

A jubilee unlocking the shackles
After the feast of tabernacles
A day of fire - A day of NEW
A day God assembles with me and You!

New Jerusalem oh what a sight
The place where Jesus is the Light
The beauty of color indescribable
The Glory of God incredible

A perfect city of Love and Light
New Jerusalem oh what a sight
Down from heaven on a new earth
Just like an amazing birth

New Jerusalem for Him and His Saints
Do you see the picture He paints
Streets of Gold, And Glorious stones
Many mansions and thrones

Heaven, ah yes - Heaven
Who will be in Heaven
The Lord our God with us
All because of Jesus, ....Amen

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